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The New Economy Series: The Data-Driven Economy


Data is the cornerstone of the new economy. It is a key driver for innovation and economic growth, providing opportunities and challenges simultaneously. Public servants are increasingly being confronted with challenges related to national and international data governance, the ethics of data use and sharing, and how to leverage existing data sources to accelerate innovation. In an effort to better respond to the emerging data landscape, the Government of Canada recently launched its Data Strategy, which seeks to position Canada as a leading jurisdiction in the field.

Many of the challenges related to data are no longer purely academic in nature.  Governments around the world are working through the privacy implications and are challenged by the power of emerging technologies that may threaten the integrity of disaggregated and anonymized data. Questions around data privacy and security are not new, but the global COVID-19 pandemic has brought a new urgency to the issue.

The second event in the New Economy series dives into the topic of the data-driven economy. Our panellists will offer their expertise on subjects including data ownership, the governance of emerging technologies, and setting standards for big data and artificial intelligence. Participants will learn about the key characteristics of the data-driven economy and gain insight into how the public service will need to adapt to face both short- and long-term challenges.

Video: The New Economy Series: The Data-Driven Economy

Learn more about The New Economy Series.


Anil Arora, Chief Statistician of Canada, Statistics Canada


  • Michel Girard, Senior Fellow, Centre for International Governance Innovation
  • Taylor Owen, Senior Fellow, Centre for International Governance Innovation
  • Teresa Scassa, Senior Fellow, Centre for International Governance Innovation, and Canada Research Chair in Information Law and Policy, University of Ottawa

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